sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

Dica de Leitura 27 - The tipping point (essa vai em inglês)

Malcolm Gladwell Social epidemic – every marketer must be aware of it! Ideas and products/messages spread like viruses do: Contagious behavior; Little change have big effects; Changes happened in a hurry. Epidemics are a function of: Law of the few (people who transmit the viruses); The stickiness factor (the infectious agent itsel); The power of context (the environment)
Law of the Few: the company must connect with connectors, mavens and salesmen to start a social epidemic! Connectors: the social glue who spread the message! People with a special gift for bringing the world together;Extraordinary capability of making friends and acquaintances;Mavens: the data banks who provide the message! People we (and connectors) rely upon to connect with new information; They are pro-active collectors of information that interest them; Loves to talk about it. Salesmen: they persuade the unconvinced! Little things are as important as big things; Non verbal cues are as important as verbal cues; Persuasion often works in ways we do not appreciate.
The stickeness factor: is the message so memorable that it can spur someone to action? The information age (fragmented media) has created a stickiness problem; If you pay careful attention to the format and structure of your material, you could dramatically enhance stickiness; There is a simple way to package information, that, under the right circumstances, can make it irresistible!
The Power of Context: the impetus to engage in a certain behaviouris coming from a feature of thre environment! What really matters are little things;Specific situations are so powerful they can overhelm our inherent predispositions; We often underestimate the importance of ontext;This fact appears to violate some of our most deeply held assumptions about human nature; Focus on smaller groups (max. 150): people are closer, knit together, can have an effective community life.

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